2014-03-28 Labour day weekend hike

Post date: Mar 28, 2014 5:16:4 AM

This weekend Luis and Euan are planning a 20km and 30km hike.


Currently we have myself and another leader from the bushwalking team attending, but still hoping to get Lucy and Jelly, as adult supervisors.


Both hikes are on the same trail from Powelltown to Warburton. running from Saturday morning meeting at 4th Kew 8am and returning Sunday at about 4pm. So this will still give everyone Monday to relax or do homework. Please see attached info for more details.


Luis and myself need to know numbers no later then Wednesday evening so that transport there and back can be arranged.


So we will need to know which scouts want to attend and which hike. Also what drivers are available and which direction and seats.


All scouts will also need standard 'personal information form'.