Campfire Cooking (Thursday 5 June)
Post date: May 31, 2014 1:29:17 AM
As discussed on Thursday, this week is campfire cooking. Panthers and Scorpions are doing a main meal each and Falcons and Tassie Tigers are doing a desert each. Can each patrol leader use the email list to contact their group members and organize their meal. The group leader can decide the meal and then organize what ingredients and/or cooking utensil each member is to bring. We do have a lot of cooking gear at the hall so email me if you need to double check if we have what you need. Preparation time should be less than 30min's. Cooking time less than 30min's. We will set up tables and chairs so we can all eat together at the end. Duty patrol is Tassie Tigers. Can this group please come organized with a warm up game that is original and will involve everyone ie not sticks on barrel, octopus or sardines hide and seek. Please contact Euan if you need some original ideas. Finally, there will be a trophy awarded to the patrol that comes most prepared, presents a finished, tasty meal that feeds everyone and demonstrates the best team work. I will be awarding bonus points for full uniform including woggle, scarf and scout handbook and to PL'S and APL that teach and encourage their younger group members. We may be having some cubs starting to link up this week so it is especially important to make sure they feel welcome, included and have a great time. I have been very proud of the way all scouts have been working together this term. Keep up the fantastic work!