Scouts (11-15)


Our Scouts meet on Thursdays from 7 - 9pm.

Scouts is for young people, aged from 11 years, to enjoy learning life skills and Scouting values in a safe, fun and youth-driven environment. Scouts transition to the Venturer Scout Unit before turning 15.

Scouts are:

As members work their way through the higher age groups on the Scouting pathway, they’re gradually given more responsibility for themselves and others.

The activities and badges become more challenging as well. Camping for Scouts can mean a new level of self-sufficiency, and adventures can demand a greater level of risk management.

Patrol Activities are at the heart of the program. Scouts are encouraged to Plan>, Do> and Review> activities that interest them on the way to achieving their all-important Milestone Badge. 

Scouts Announcements

Scouts Term 3 2024 Plan

Term Three 2024 Plan.pdf

The blog site for these posts is here:

Previous Term Plans

Term Two 2024 Plan.pdf
Term One 2024 Plan.pdf
Term Four 2023 Plan.pdf
4th Kew Term 1 - 2023 Plan.pdf
Scouts Term 3 2023 Plan.pdf