More about Stradbroke (Easter camp)
Post date: Mar 27, 2015 10:59:29 AM
Parents and Scouts
Euan would like to know exact numbers for this year's Easter camp. It runs from Thursday evening (2 April) till Monday afternoon (6th).
For information about what Stadbroke is please refer here (it'll open in a new page).
In brief, Stradbroke is a base camp over 4 nights to help prepare scouts for Jamboree. It teaches camp hygiene, meal planning, and cooking. As well as this scouts get to do fun activities and get badge work signed off.
All scouts thinking of going to Jamboree MUST have 10 nights camped with scouts and included in this 4 consecutive nights.
This may be the last time the current leaders can offer for 4 nights consecutive due to work and personal commitments. Please don't leave it to the last month as it may not be possible.
Location for the camp has been selected as Gilwell (Gembrook).
Cost per scout will be $90. This includes camp fees and food.
Cost $90
When Thurs 2nd April to 6th April
Where Gilwell (see the map on the "resource centre" tab above)
This is a Jamboree requirement
The registered Scouts going are:
Sam - PL
Jono Harris - APL
Please let Euan know ASAP if anyone is missing from this list or may have changed their mind.
The scouts have got a bit to organise so we have agreed to some date and times over the next few days so they can leave on time.
Saturday 28th March, 10am at Scout Hall. Scouts to discuss equipment requirements and compile equipment. Cooking equipment to be tested
Sunday 29th March, 2pm at Scout Hall. Trailer to be packed and equipment finalised
Wednesday 1st April scouts to shop for food and pack in eskies/trailer
Thursday 2nd April scouts and trailer to leave hall at 10am to arrive at Gillwell by 11am to commence set up.
We have received some fantastic information for the scouts to read before Saturday to give them an idea of what will happen at the camp aswell as what their camp sites will be assessed on. It's attached to this page if you haven't already got it.