ANZAC feedback
Post date: Apr 27, 2015 7:32:27 AM
Hi Simone,
Just to let you know how much we appreciated having the 4th Kew Scout Pack involved in the Dawn Service on Anzac Day.
The crowd was so much bigger than we expected and it was a bit chaotic as far as arranging things, and I apologise again for confusion regarding the flag.
People remarked on how good it was to have the sprigs of rosemary in the way you had all made them up. That must have been a big effort on Friday night.
Thanks also for forming the guard of honour – it added a great touch to the wreath laying and the Scouts seemed to manage the congestion of people around them really well.
I hope they enjoyed their involvement in the day and that you can pass on to them our best wishes and many thanks from everyone for the part they played.
Great to meet you too
Greg Buchanan